R. wins 381-342

R. wins 381-342
Originally uploaded by achmorrison.
R. wins with the help of the only bingo in the game: oneness. I spilled my drink before we started playing
R. wins with the help of the only bingo in the game: oneness. I spilled my drink before we started playing
I started off this game with a bingo: cabinEd and had a second one later: misspend. The second one was my first ever double-double, good for 102 points. This game was my highest score yet.
We played a game of Estimation after afternoon dessert at the Houck Christmas. Jon won.
I started the game with a bingo (oKaying) but didn't really have anything great after that.
I hit 400+ points for the first time ever with the help of two bingos: roadies and training. Also had a four word combo with some, moss, lids and ones. That was only worth 21 points, but it was fun.